Saturday, March 21, 2009

Savings Bonds That Have Matured

Caution Regarding Savings Bonds That Have Matured

EE and I savings bonds earn interest for 30 years. HH savings bonds earn interest for 20 years.
Please check prior to cashing in your savings bonds. Click on the get started link. You can also check when the next accrual period is on the bonds. You still may decide to cash the savings bonds in but try waiting until the next accrual period has passed.
An EE bond issued in 1984 for $50 (face value)would be worth over $90. The bond still accrues interest after the maturity date.

Blogs That I Read Has Been Updated

Hopefully I will be able to reconnect with Anjali's and The Life You Choose's new blogs. New blog added is Uncommon Threads.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ways to Obtain Money

1) Collect outstanding money
a) referral money on contracts such as home heating oil

2) Seek reimbursement from employer
a) professional fees
b) travel expenses

3) Check your safety deposit box
a) savings bonds that have matured

4) Bonuses
a) save the money for a rainy day rather than splurging

5) Credit Card Rewards Programs
a) opt for the statement credit rather than the product or gift card


7) Return items by the return date that you don’t want, can’t use or have buyer’s remorse

8) Sell used items to a 2nd hand store
a) books, toys, clothes, computer and audio equipment, dvds, cds

9) Cash in coins that you have been keeping

10) Find a way to bring in extra income
a) additional employment
b) trade services with people

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pet Peeves

1) H not reading emails that I send
2) Kids do not do housework
3) Don't have a chef
4) Snow exists on sidewalks, porchs and driveways
5) They do not make diapers backwards for the child that insists on lying on their stomach during diaper changes.
6) Home heating oil is expensive