Monday, June 16, 2008


Life Management
Be ready to reenter job market and handle all family responsibilities.
Update Resume
Create in case of emergency items

Digital Video and Photography
Put digital pictures and video into a usable format to share with others.

Basement Organization
Turn basement into usable space for family to use as a family room.

Debt Reduction
Pay down all debts to eliminate debts in the shortest time possible. Start saving additional money once debts are paid.

Home Maintenance - Outside
Have a nice appearance outside.

Travel - Family
Plan trips for family in advance. Utilize any savings possible for hotel, air, car, meals and entertainment. Reduce spending for meals when traveling.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

House Swapping

Interesting concept. I read about it in Tara Road. In the US, typical places to house swap to are California, Florida and New York. I am sure there are other places that are of interest also. Now this concept has been taken a step further to "swapping homes for good". It still looks like a real estate transaction to me. Although certainly a unique transaction. I think this would work better when the homes are priced similarly. Would you be interested in buying the home of the person that is buying your home if it is the home and the location that you desire?

Many times people are upgrading or downsizing or relocating due to employment, education, family etc. What are your thoughts?

I found this book in July 2006

Mother's Manual Copyright 1941 Page 51

"To Her Infant in Heaven"


"My darling (mention child's name), now in joy before the throne of God, you are close to God, and in your spotless innocence which He loves, you can speak to Him with a voice that He will surely heed. You are still my little baby and will surely regard the prayers of your mother, who bore you. I address then my petitions to you. Intercede for me and obtain the favor that I here ask as a mother from her child who stands before the throne of God (here mention petition). But if what I here ask is not for the glory of God and the good of souls, do you obtain then what is most conducive to both. Amen."

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

House Buying in a Slow Economy

We stopped by an open house in our neighborhood. The real estate agent said that it was a good time to buy for those that were first time home buyers and for those moving to a larger house. 1st time home buyers were obvious. They would not need to sell their home in a slower economy but the buyers that were upgrading, I was surprised.
It appears to me that many people buying homes currently will need to stay in them for awhile to see any profit. For those selling homes right now they might not see any profit if they purchased the home recently.
Many homes have inflated prices right now. The homes are still coming down in price. The real estate agent's comments were very alluring to upgrade now. She thought that the people that would be losing money would be the people that were not going to re buy. She might be right that it is a good time to buy regardless of your situation. Only time will tell.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Car buying = rocket science

Car buying = rocket science. I did not know that. Correctly reading and understanding the ads has to do with the rocket science.

Attempt 1:
Lease Price: $243 per month
Apparently this is just a number. On top of that we need to add back the information on the purchace side of the ad. $400 recent college grad and $600 stimulus check.

Attempt 2:
Purchase Price: $21K plus $400 for recent college grad
Nope this one we need to add back the $1500 b/c we want the low financing option.

On a positive note.
Some dealerships have special pricing for AAA members.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

buying used

It is a real struggle to get out of the leasing mode and buying a used car. Too bad that fits better into our finances.